Thursday, December 1, 2011

Newspaper Nails

So much easier than you'd expect!

All you need is white polish (or a light shade), newspaper, and rubbing alcohol.

First, paint your nails white.  When they are almost dry, dip them into the alcohol and press the newspaper onto  your nail. (You might want to experiment with this a little - if your nails are too wet the paint will move and smudge, but if they are too dry the print won't be very dark).  Press down on it a little and then peel the paper off slowly, and you'll see that the print has been transferred to your nail.  The print won't come off your nail at this point, but add a clear topcoat to make them shine!

1 comment:

Joella Garber said...

This looks so cool! And I'm so glad I found your blog...I was looking for it.