Tuesday, December 6, 2011

cover your outlet covers

Just when you thought wallpaper was disappearing from the face of the earth... it made a reappearance in my bedroom! 

Well, not really wallpaper, but what's the difference, really? This is such a simple way to add color to any room!  I grabbed a few old off-white outlet covers that were sitting in a box in the barn, chose a neat piece of scrapbooking paper, and went to work.

 First, I traced at least 1/4" around the edge so that it would cover the entire plate
A utility knife makes cutting the holes out much easier, but scissors work fine too.
After cutting, I used a paintbrush to cover the top of the plate with Mod Podge,
 pressed the paper on top and finally added a coat of Mod Podge to the top.
After it dried, I put it in my room!

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