Thursday, June 9, 2011

Butter butter everywhere and not a drop to drink

I had the craving to make butter the other day. It just seemed like it should be something to do. It churned out to be way easier than I had expected! I bought heavy whipping cream, poured it into a cleaned out spaghetti sauce jar, added a little sea salt, and started shaking.

I got a little tired of shaking, so I turned to jumping. Also Terra and Cassie helped.
It seemed like all we were making was whipped cream until suddenly we looked inside and the butter had separated from the buttermilk!
Cassie had just brought over a loaf of Polynesian Sweet Bread that she had made, and we slathered our butter on that. Incredibly delicious!
Soon I hope to make butter with the herbs that I am growing. Apparently dairy really draws out the flavor!

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