Monday, May 2, 2011


Is there a phrase for gardening that parallels "your eyes are bigger than your stomach"?

The amount of seeds, plants, and imagination that I have exceeds the space I currently have, so I have been working on multiplying the amount of garden space. This means the time-consuming process of turning over grass (thank you, landlords, for allowing me to do whatever I please with your yard!) and adding rich earth from another part of the yard. I'm also putting in a little brick pathway, for aesthetic reasons and also so that the ground won't compact as I weed/walk through.
To the left is the new soil and the beginnings of a path! (Do you see the white arched trellis? Right now there are roses growing on it... think I could get a tomato plant to wrap itself around?)

A preview of Brussels sprouts, which I recently learned take 20 weeks to produce... let the waiting begin!

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