Last week we had 3 half days which were pretty laid back and went by quickly. But I must say, the actual first day of school was terrible. I usually consider myself I pretty strong person and capable of handling most situations, but I was miserable on Monday. I felt completely out of control with 18 little people under me for almost 8 hours.
One of my biggest challenges is the fact that I do not speak Spanish. Because the majority of my students do not think in English, their minds easily wander. And being six years old, their minds can only stay focused for a few minutes anyway. Once these little guys get distracted, they talk (of course) or just get up and start walking around. I would love a class of 10 students, where I could give a lot more individual attention to each.
Each day has been progressively better - I really do think this year is going to be great! I can't describe how satisfying it is to already see progress in students (even just to learn how to write a 2 or learn to capitalize in sentences).
I'm also very impressed with the level of intelligence in many of the first graders - Draven said to me this morning as he was finishing writing 'The cat ran.' - "Ms. Jessica, can I write and exclamation point at the end instead of a period? Because what if the boy was really excited that his cat was running?" I was just wondering- what boy....? and How does he even know what an exclamation point is? The day before we learned about the period.
do I look like a teacher?
my classroom -decorated
First graders!
This is so exciting! I hope things keep getting better. :-) The kids look cute. :-)
Oh boy! Looks like fun!
Nice uniform :) Even teachers have to wear them, eh? Do you have Friday jeans day? I had those once a month in Costa Rica, the best day of the month. You could wear jeans and not tuck in your shirt.
How's the weather over there? I think Summer just ended here, it was pretty cold yesterday. I'm dreading the winter. ah. I'll have to look to your sunshine photos during the cold months here. ha. kbye
looks like you have no time for a blog. Miss you!
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